Saturday, May 28, 2016

Here goes nothing...!

Those that really know me know that I am a foodie (much to the anguish of both my wallet and my waistline), and a pretty decent cook (although, sadly, not nearly as good as my sister, my mom, or my wife)... And some of my favorite foods on the planet are soups! At home, we have some soups that are family favorites (like my mom's Italian sausage soup), some that we've copied wholesale from other sources (like the Nom Nom Paleo Egg Drop Soup), and some that are original recipes (like my pozole). We keep a lot of these in the regular rotation, and they all got there because we were willing to try something new.

To that end, I've been saving interesting soup recipes for a while now, and I recently added my 60th or so recipe to the pile. So, I think it is time to start working through the list!

I decided to try to make a new soup (some may - admittedly - be variations on similar recipes we've tried before) every Sunday, and I think I have enough to make one-a-week for a year (at least 52)! Inevitably, because life is life, I'll skip some weeks in between, because of travel and family events and such, but I hope it will be a regular occurrence.

Some are bound to be good, some are bound to be less-good, and some just sound weird (Dill Pickle Soup is on the list!). But, each week I'll post the recipe (along with any departures I made), hopefully some pictures, and what we thought of it.

I started this project on Facebook a couple of months ago, and my posts will go there first, but I thought sticking them on a blog for easy searching and retrieval might have some value too.

Sorry... I recognize this for what it is - a self-indulgent exercise that likely only some of my family and very close friends have even the slightest bit of interest in... But I'm posting them anyway, so deal with it! LOL

So... Let the "Year of Soup" begin!!

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