Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sunday Soup #4: New England Fish Chowder

This recipe came from:

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I halved the recipe. I used cod (another light white fish, that was easier to find at the grocery store) instead of haddock. I used some additional fresh cracked black pepper after the soup was prepared, but before it was served.

*Pic 1 - Picture from the original source website

General Thoughts: Halfway through the recipe, I thought it might be a disaster; however, I trusted the recipe and it came out quite well. The star of the soup was the fish, which had a subtle and pleasant taste. I am not saying I would recommend this soup to my seafood-hating wife, but I would definitely urge my son to try it, since he likes some seafood but just not an overpowering fishy taste. Overall, the soup was hearty and a quality dish for someone searching out an easy seafood soup.

(*NOTE: I normally post pictures of what the recipe looks like when I make it, but I couldn't seem to find my pictures of this one. Apologies.)

Polling the Fam: I flew solo on eating this one, and I rather liked it. The one (small) complaint I had is that it didn't "finish" super strong, if that makes sense? Each bite started creamy and yummy, with good body, and a great example of a chowder, but then it just didn't... I dunno... have the right bite at the end. I like very strong flavors, so it might just be me, and when I added some Sriracha to my second bowl, it helped a bit. Next time I might add some garlic and... hmm... celery maybe? But, if you like fish, and you like chowder, this one is probably for you!

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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