Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sunday Soup #8: Creamy Tomato Tortellini

Was my pleasure to make this soup and share it with our best friends when I made it! The pressure was on...

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 - Picture from original source website

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I doubled the recipe. I added one pound of mild Italian sausage (so, if I had not doubled the recipe, it would have only been 1/2 pound). I used Half & Half instead of heavy cream. I added appox. 1 TBSP of black pepper. And, I garnished with shaved Parmesan cheese.

General Thoughts: Very good! Another hearty one with solid flavor. It was great with a big ol' slice of sourdough to mop up the creamy, savory broth, and the tortellini were done just right. The soup turned out thicker than I expected it would be. Also, particularly early in the prep, I was worried it would be WAY too tomato-y, but for me it turned out just right. Adding the sausage was definitely a winner; although, next time I think I would use hot Italian, rather than mild, to make the flavor really pop! I think I'd also like to try it with the full cream rather than Half & Half.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

Polling the Fam: I really, really liked it and think it is one of the best tomato soups I've ever had. Becky thought it seemed closer to pasta in a thin sausage marinara than a soup, and thought it should have had more Italian seasoning, but more or less liked it. Hunter thought it was worthy of being put in the monthly rotation (which is a huge compliment in our family). AND, you won't believe this, but Fox ate it... and he LIKED IT! Jayson said that he does not normally like tomato-based soups, but he really liked this one. Andrew really liked it too and said, "I'd pay someone to make that for me every week!" Lisa wasn't able to eat with us, but I saved her some in the fridge, so we'll have to wait to see what she says in the comments.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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