Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sunday Soup #5: Bacon Double Cheeseburger Beer Cheese Soup

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 - Picture from original source website

My Variations from Recipe as Written: None.

General Thoughts: I followed this recipe pretty closely... And, I was pretty stoked because when I went to the store for a single bottle of beer for the recipe, I found one called Fat Weasel. So, I took that as a sign that this soup was going to be epic! But... it didn't quite deliver. It was a little bland for me (I was hoping for a stronger beer cheese taste), so I added Tabasco, some sliced up pickle, and some jarred jalapenos to my bowl. That fixed the flavor deficit, but it still just wasn't quite right. It was VERY "heavy," coating my mouth and hitting the bottom of my stomach like a ton of bricks!

*Pic 2 - Picture from when I made made it

Polling the Fam: Becky and I were the only ones around to eat this one, and we both thought the same thing: it was good, but not as a soup. The taste (with some enhancement) was solid, and we both felt like it would be great as: 1) A party dip; or 2) A baked potato topping. But, sadly, as a soup to anchor a meal, it just wasn't quite right.

Verdict: Not a fan. (2 stars)

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