Saturday, May 28, 2016

Sunday Soup #6: Creamy Sausage, Potato, and Sauerkraut Soup

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 - Picture from original source website

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I used 10oz of pre-diced yellow onion (because I am a wuss when I chop onion), instead of the single medium onion called for. I used three medium russet potatoes, instead of 1.5 cups of diced potatoes called for. I used the brand/type of sauerkraut found at Trader Joe's (sauerkraut with pickled Persian cucumbers). I used a mixed Mexican cheese blend, instead of the straight cheddar called for. Finally, I garnished with Tabasco sauce and Sonoma Creamery Parmesan Crisps.

General Thoughts: Wow... This was another one that surprised me (pleasantly)! I think I added way too many potatoes, and would like to have used red instead of russet, but that is a minor thing. The soup was thick, rich, and flavorful. The sauerkraut was not overpowering, as I feared it might be, but added just the right amount of flavor. The kielbasa sausage was solid, but it also would have been tasty with a garlic kielbasa or even hot Italian sausage. This would be a killer winter soup!

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

Polling the Fam: I think I made it clear above how I felt abut this one... Hunter likewise loved this soup. He said it had a good balance of ingredients, with none of them overpowering the others. I don't think Becky would try this one, just because it has sauerkraut in it, so just the two votes this time... Winner!

Verdict: Loved it! (5 stars)

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