Saturday, May 28, 2016


This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 - Picture from original source website

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I doubled the recipe. I used 8oz of pancetta instead of 6oz. Where I eye-balled the amount of vegetables (such as the peppers, celery, or onions), I erred on the side of more rather than less. I used a cheddar cheese mix (with sharp, medium white, and medium cheddar). I used an amber ale for the beer.

General Thoughts: I found the soup to be filling and tasty. It was creamy and very flavorful, particularly when I garnished with some Texas toast croutons and sourdough bread (also would have been super tasty with some soft pretzels to dip!). I really liked the veggies in this soup, as they provided a nice flavor punch and gave the soup a textural component that is missing in many cheese soups. There were definitely some things that could have been a little better, though... We all agreed that the thyme was a bit strong (more for Becky and Hunter than for me), so if I made it again I'd likely cut the thyme by half. Also, softening the veggies a bit longer would have been more to my wife's taste.

*Pic 2 - Pictures from when I made it

Polling the Fam: We were solidly split on this one... I really liked it and would definitely make it again. Becky thought it was okay but wasn't that enthused overall. Hunter, said he liked it, and would eat it again, but wouldn't really ever specifically request that it be made.

Verdict: It was okay. (3 stars)

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