Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sunday Soup #103: Polish Dill Pickle Soup with Smoked Ham

Hello, Souper Troopers...! You thought I'd forgotten about you, didn't you?! I haven't made a soup since mid-March, but I could never forget about you (or soup)!! I have just been a bit distracted and out of sorts with this whole pesky pandemic thing, like many of you, I'm sure. At any rate, I'm happy to be back with another yummy recipe selected from the wide and wooly Internet...

Pickles. Yep, pickles... I know, some of you think it's weird, but I love them so much, so I am always intrigued by pickle soups. I have made a couple in the past (search the blog for "pickle" to find them), and they have been pretty good, in my opinion. So, how would this one fare? We decided to have a (very small) COVID-friendly distanced outdoor friend-meal to find out...

This recipe came from: https://www.saltandlavender.com/polish-dill-pickle-soup-smoked-ham/

Variations from Recipe as Written: I doubled the recipe and used dried dill instead of fresh, but that's it!

General Thoughts: The prep work on this one was fairly easy, and the ingredients were relatively inexpensive. Chopping onions is (as always) not my favorite, so my wife helped by doing that dice for me; however, the option is always there to buy pre-diced from the market. Beyond the onions, a little dicing on the pickles and potatoes, with some rough cubing on the ham, and it was good-to-go! All in all, from prep-to-pot, it only took about 15 minutes and didn't feel too bad at all.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

The best thing about this soup, bar none, was its chunkiness; all of its different textures were a treat! Every single bite was heaped with ham, potato, pickle, and onion, with the shredded carrot adding some good color. All of the veggies were wonderfully done and the ham was juicy and tender.

Once I was done admiring the mix of perfectly cooked ingredients, I had a chance to appreciate the flavors. TL;DR = It was good! It was especially great because I could taste and appreciate all of the different individual flavors... The ham was salty and smoky, the onions and carrots were piquant, the dill (despite being dried) was present and savory, the sour cream added a delightful creaminess, and (of course) the pickles were salty and tangy. And, when I cracked some black pepper over my bowl, the flavors came to life even more... It was a symphony, and I enjoyed it!

And, it bears repeating, even though I've said it before: If you make this, use a refrigerated pickle in a "clean" brine! I use Grillos (https://www.grillospickles.com/), which can be found at lots of grocery stores (and Costco). Please do not use an artificially green, preservative-packed jar of pickles... They might be okay for a backyard BBQ burger, but they will not be okay for a dill pickle soup that you are hoping to enjoy! :-) If you couldn't see yourself being able to take even a tiny nip of the straight brine, you probably don't want it in your soup.

Potential Improvements? Next time I think I'd add a little more meat, like an extra 1/2 pound of ham (for a single batch) or even some crispy bacon.

Polling the Fam: I loved this one and, if it was just me, I'd be giving it 5 stars right now; it's right there with the previous 5-star Dill Pickle & Brat soup (https://soupersleuth.blogspot.com/2020/01/sunday-soup-98-dill-pickle-and-brat-soup.html). Buuuuuut, there were more diners, and their opinions were a little more mixed (because I suspect they are pickle-intolerant)... First, the good: I loved it; Hunter really liked it and seconded the cracked pepper recommendation; and Lisa liked it but suggested more meat and garnishes (like cheddar cheese and crispy bacon crumbles). And now, the misguided pickle-haters: Andrew said he'd give it 3 stars, and liked it overall, but that he would probably never request it; Jayson managed to get through a whole bowl (against his expectations) but didn't go back for more; and Becky and Fox each took one bite and said, "Nope!"

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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