Monday, May 18, 2020

Sunday Soup #104: Knock Your Socks Off Crock-Pot Soup

Well, I never...! That is kind of presumptuous, isn't it? First of all, how could this recipe possibly know whether I am even wearing socks (uh... I am not)?! And then, to be so sure I am going to love their soup so much that any underwear I might or might not be wearing on my feet would come shooting off is the height of arrogance! LOL Well, challenge accepted!! Let's see how this one played out, shall we...?

This recipe came from:

Variations from Recipe as Written: I used double the sausage because 1) a single package of ground sausage at our market contained 16oz, and 2) I really like Italian sausage. And, I did not sauté the mushrooms before adding them to the Crock-Pot, which (admittedly) was just an oversight on my part.

General Thoughts: On the surface, this soup seemed like it would be fairly easy to prepare. Crock-Pot and slow cooker soups usually are, as they most often follow the "put everything in the pot, turn it on, and cook all day" format. But, that was not exactly the case with this one... The potatoes had to be peeled and cubed, the sausage had to be pre-cooked and crumbled, the bacon had to be pre-fried and finely chopped, the mushrooms had to be sliced and sautéed (if you follow the recipe), the kale had to be cleaned and chopped, and other ingredients needed to be added partway through cooking. I know, I know... In the grand scheme of things, not overwhelming, but one of the reasons I like Crock-Pot soups is their set-it-and-forget-it nature. However, if a soup is tasty enough, a little extra effort is not a bad thing, but it needs to deliver!

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

The best part about this soup was its chunkiness and the varied textures. It had the right mix of smooth creaminess, tender meat, and soft veggies, with plenty in every bite!

However, what it didn't have was a ton of flavor... It was kind of homogenous, the way some potato soups taste overwhelmingly of that eponymous starchy tuber without many other tastes to add spark and variety. I was looking for more out of the canned diced tomatoes and kale but missed any of the tang or earthiness those ingredients normally bring. I also expected the soup to be salty, at least, with double the sausage and a good bit of bacon mixed in, but it lacked even that. If I had sauteed the 'shrooms in butter, I may have gotten a bit more salt there, but I don't think it would have been enough to salvage it. When I added salt and cracked black pepper directly to my bowl, it served to open this one up, helping to elevate all of the flavors within, making each more distinct and able to be appreciated. However, in the end, the flavor just fell short for me.

Potential Improvements? If I make this one again, I will definitely add salt and cracked pepper to the pot directly, taste-testing until it seems right, and maybe even some crushed red pepper for extra zing. I'd also include some garnishes (some of which were suggested by the recipe - like green onion and more bacon crumbles) to provide more flavor and texture. And, finally, I think I would have enjoyed it more (and improved the taste) by adding the raw bacon to the pot and letting it slow cook in the soup (rather than frying and chopping it ahead of time).

Polling the Fam: With the changes detailed above, I think this could be a 4-star soup... In fact, Hunter said he really liked it and thought it deserved 4 stars, but I just couldn't give it more than 3, based on it tasting rather unremarkable. Also, two of my other diners didn't want to eat it after they tried it; Becky tasted a small bite but wouldn't eat it on the grounds that "it tasted too mushroom-y", and Fox, likewise, really didn't care for it and didn't finish his bowl.

Verdict: It was okay. (3 stars)

If you're looking for better creamy sausage soups, try these others I've made that were terrific:

Creamy Sausage and Tortellini Soup (

White Bean and Sausage Soup (

Dill Pickle and Brat Soup (

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