Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday Soup #51: Cajun Ham and Sausage Bean Soup

I'm on a roll...! This is the second soup of the weekend; last night's was one of the best, so how did this one compare?

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I doubled the recipe. I used the "power soak" method advocated by Bon Appétit Magazine (, which reduced bean soak time from "overnight" to about an hour. I also belatedly found that I was out of Italian seasoning, so I had to make my own (using the recipe I found here:

General Thoughts: This recipe was not the simplest I've made, for sure... Apart from having to soak the beans overnight (or go through the power soak procedure), there is a good bit of knife work required, as the recipe calls for diced ham, diced onions, diced green peppers, and sliced sausage. Then there is the four-ish hours of cook time to consider... BUT, this is another one of those recipes where I think the end results was worth it, so as long as you have the time, these are small concerns.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

The flavor of this soup was excellent! I thought the Cajun seasoning might overpower the dish, or even make it too spicy for my guests, but the level of spice imparted by the Cajun and the Italian seasonings was just right. The ham and sausage (*I used a smoked pork sausage) filled each bite with porky goodness, and the ratio of meat to beans was spot on.

One of the best parts of this soup was how hearty and filling it was. Bean soups are often filling, but it it is a pleasure to find one that so effectively crushes hunger in such as tasty package. :-)

Potential Improvements? Next time, although it says 8-9 cups of water, I might opt for 8 cups (or even a little less) to wind up with a soup that is just a touch thinker. However, even though it was a bit brothier with the extra water, it was still really tasty!

Polling the Fam: This soup was really solid, and I would definitely make it again, particularly as a hot and hearty Fall/Winter soup! It also got good reviews from everybody at the table tonight: Becky, Hunter, Fox, Deborah, Chris, Keegan, and Kaden all said they really liked the flavor and gave it two thumbs up.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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