Saturday, January 27, 2018

Sunday Soup #50: Beef Bourguignon

Good news, Souper Troopers... You are getting two soups out of me this weekend! Consider it payback for all those weekends I had to skip because I was too busy. :-) Here is the first, and I'll be making another tomorrow (which I'll post later in the week).

I am currently in a nutrition challenge with my parents and sister, and this week's challenge was for each person to try a recipe they've always wanted to try but that haven't made because it was intimidating. For me, that recipe was Beef Bourguignon; a stew-like French dish made famous in the US by Julia Child as "certainly one of the most delicious beef dishes concocted by man." So, was I up to the challenge, and did the dish deliver?

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I used a little more chuck roast than it called for (about 4.5 pounds) because that is the portion I found at the store, I marinated the meat for closer to 24 hours than just overnight, and I subbed a large diced onion instead of the frozen pearl onions because the store was out of pearl.

General Thoughts: I am not going to beat around the bush... This recipe was TERRIFIC! But, I don't want to get ahead of myself...

First, the skinny on the prep: it was a lot. Having to cut the roast into 1/2" cubes and marinate it overnight means this is not a stew you can decide to make on the spur of the moment. In that, it is not unlike other soups I enjoy (such as my pozole), but it is important to realize that you have to think ahead. Then, once the meat is marinated, dusting it with flour and frying/browning the individual pieces is both time consuming and fairly messy. Finally, the total prep/cooking time is between 2-3 hours, so this probably more of a weekend soup than something you'd try to whip up on a work night. But with all that said, a lot of prep work or cook time can be totally worth it if the dish is tasty, and this one definitely is!

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

This stew was super hearty and very rich... The depth of flavor in the broth was outstanding, and the meat was both extremely tender and excellently flavored.  As the star of the dish, the beef stole the show, but the other ingredients were also delicious. The mushrooms were perfectly done, the carrots were well-cooked and tasty, and the bacon made every bite so savory that I just couldn't stop eating. Believe it or not, my least favorite ingredient was the red potatoes, but even they were good. I really can't find anything that disappointed me here!

Some good tips I saw in the comments for this recipe, which I followed to great effect today: use a decent pinot noir (~$15) and use a chuck roast rather than generic "stew meat."

And, you will want to serve a good bread with this stew... Trust me! Sopping up every last drop of the tasty broth with a quality sourdough or French bread should be a top priority, and any guests with which you share will be grateful.

Potential Improvements? None, as far as I am concerned!

Polling the Fam: One the best soups in this project so far... If I have enough time, I would not hesitate to make this soup again! Becky thought it was very flavorful and said she enjoyed it. My parents echoed that sentiment and were very complimentary. Hunter couldn't really think of a way to improve it and said he couldn't wait to get at the leftovers tomorrow. Even Fox (my picky eater) thought it was really good. This one was a real crowd pleaser!!

Verdict: Loved it! (5 stars)

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