Sunday, January 28, 2018

So, which ones are the best? (aka, a little update)

In talking with my friend Lisa (who I mention often on this blog), it occurred to us that, although I essentially give a thumbs up or a thumbs down on these recipes, there really isn't a way to quickly and easily identify or search for the "best of the best," or a way to tell the soups which are just worth a try versus those soups that are truly special, without going through all the entries manually.

To that end, I am going to go back (hopefully, today) and retroactively apply a star rating (chosen because it is an easy - if unimaginative - rating system that most people will be familiar with) to each of the recipes in this project that I have made personally.

Also, moving forward, in addition to the normal discussion for each recipe, I'll end each review with a star rating (out of 5 max), using a format that will make soups more easily searchable via their rating.

If you are a regular reader, thank you! If you are new here, welcome! I hope everyone continues to enjoy this project!!

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