Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Sunday Soup #99: Smoky Lentil and Potato Soup

This week's recipe is somewhat unique in that it combines lentils and potatoes in the same soup, which I've not often seen. The recipe appeared to be vegetarian/vegan-focused, so lentils (being a good source of protein) would fit the bill there quite nicely, while the potatoes are cast in the grain/carb role. I, however, am a meat-a-saurus and could not resist adding some tasty animal-based protein in the form of bacon! Did the lentil-potato-bacon combo nail it or miss the mark? Let's see...

This recipe came from: https://www.melskitchencafe.com/smoky-lentil-and-potato-soup/

Variations from Recipe as Written: I doubled the recipe and followed the instructions for Instant Pot preparation. My family loves a good, strong smoky flavor, so I used smoked salt. The recipe called for brown and red lentils, but the supermarket only had brown, so that's what I went with. And, as previously mentioned, I added bacon (about 1 pound of bacon per single version of the recipe), which allowed me to sauté the veggies in the bacon grease (rather than using olive oil). Finally, even though it said spinach or kale was optional, I added about half the (baby) spinach it called for.

General Thoughts: The prep on this one was pretty simple, particularly since I used a mirepoix mix (diced onions, carrots, and celery), so no chopping was required for those items. I had to do a bit of chopping on the potatoes, spinach (which was optional), and bacon (which I added to my version of the recipe), but it went very quickly. And, as usual, the cooking was a snap in the Instant Pot, requiring only three minutes at high pressure, followed by a quick pressure release.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

As you would expect, the soup was very hearty and quite filling. The lentil/potato combo gave each bite a "weight," even though I would still call this a brothy dish. Many lentil soups I've had are thick and creamy, often calling for a portion of the soup to be puréed (such as with an immersion blender) to thicken it up. However, this soup (much to my surprise and enjoyment) had a broth more consistent with a hearty vegetable beef soup than with something like blended pea soup.

The taste was likewise very solid, and it was (I am assured by Lisa) even tastier leftover. I tasted the soup in the pot before I served it, and added a fair amount of salt and cracked black pepper. But, once I felt it was properly seasoned, it was quite enjoyable. The addition of bacon was definitely the right choice for me, as it added a deep, rich savoriness that complimented the smoke and spice, as well as adding a different texture. Finally, I know it sounds crazy, but I got a small hint of lemon in my bowl... Whether from the lentils, the spinach, or one of the spices, it was so surprising and tasty that I found myself wanting more of it.

Potential Improvements? I think next time I make this one, I'll add even more bacon (or, better yet, use a smoked pork shoulder instead of bacon) to make it a bit meatier. And, because the subtle lemon flavor was so much of a pleasant surprise, I might try adding an actual tablespoon of lemon juice to the whole pot.

Polling the Fam: I liked this one and, since it can be made vegetarian/vegan to suit those tastes, it is quite versatile, so I'd definitely make it again. Jayson thought the soup was hearty and filling, but kind of unremarkable beyond that, and added that he thought it needed more meat. Lisa really liked it, found it hearty and filling, and thought ham would be a good meat choice. Andrew thought it was really good, making particular mention of the bacon. And Fox, our picky eater, said he didn't care for it much because it wasn't his kind of soup.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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