Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sunday Soup #88: Cheddar and Bratwurst Soup with Pumpkin Ale

Good news, everyone...! I made another soup during my recent "Sunday Soup Silence," which I saved to post for you as a second recipe this week!!

Just this past Sunday I was on the hunt for an Oktoberfest-like recipe to perfectly hit the spot on a cool October evening, when I stumbled across this one... It seemed similar to a current 5-star family fave (https://soupersleuth.blogspot.com/2016/10/sunday-soup-18.html), but did it do the job?

This recipe came from: https://theviewfromgreatisland.com/cheddar-and-bratwurst-soup-with-pumpkin-ale/

Variations from Recipe as Written: I made 1.5x the recipe. That's it!

General Thoughts: This soup was fairly easy to make, and the ingredients were fairly inexpensive; the most expensive part was the beer (I used Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Wheat). The recipe required some light chopping on the onions, carrots, and potatoes, and a bit of attention to the pot with a stirring spoon at various points, but it wasn't bad overall.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

I was hoping this soup would feel substantial enough to really warm me from the inside out on a chilly evening (we do have those in California, occasionally), and it did! The soup was brothy, which I enjoy, but also creamy and chock-full of yummy ingredients in each bite. The potatoes and carrots provided some needed bulk and contributed to the soup's heartiness, as well as my satisfaction level.

I was also fairly pleased with the taste of this soup... The pumpkin flavor from the ale was subtle and gave it a very interesting twist. But, full disclosure, I am one of those people who thinks Fall officially starts when Starbucks brings out their Pumpkin Spice Latte, too, so make of that what you will. :-) I did feel like the broth was a little bland before I added the salt, pepper, and bratwurst, but once I dropped those in the pot and brought it back to a simmer, I felt it was properly spiced. I also particularly enjoyed the addition of the fresh chopped dill, which I felt complimented the caraway flavor quite nicely.

Potential Improvements? When I make this one again, I think I will add a bit of ground caraway (maybe 2 tsp), in addition to the normal caraway seeds, to give it a bit more of that German flavor. I also think I'd add a shot (2-3 tbsp) of apple cider vinegar to give it a little more bite.

Polling the Fam: I really liked this one and would definitely make it again. I know, it sounds like a 5-star soup for me (which it was!), but my other diners were a little more ambivalent, thus the 4 stars... Becky thought it had really good flavor but said she would have liked it better without the bratwurst (it was a texture thing). Jayson said he liked it but not enough to have a second bowl, adding that he liked the sausage. Lisa really liked it but said it needed a little more spice (although, she couldn't say what kind of spice it needed). And, Fox, our sometimes-picky man of few words, said it was "okay." :-)

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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