Monday, November 5, 2018

Sunday Soup #73: Spicy Tuscan Soup

This one initially caught my eye because it resembled a particular Olive Garden soup of which I am a fan, and this Sunday seemed to just beg for a warm, hearty soup to fill our bellies! It also drew me that the picture from the website was not the typical engineered, glossy, staged-type picture that is usually on professional recipe sites, but rather more closely resembled the simple iPhone pics I take of my soups. Yay for the little guy!! But, did the taste on this one deliver?

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I doubled the recipe. That's it!

General Thoughts: This soup was decently easy to prepare... The biggest time suck was peeling the potatoes, but only having to cut them longways and then slice them into 1/4" half moons, rather than having to fully chop or dice them, was a nice trade-off. And, if you make this one, keep in mind that the recipe calls for you to remove and reserve the sausage after browning, and drain the sausage grease before proceeding, so make sure you have suitable stove/counter real estate available to enable that operation.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

I have to say, the taste let me down a bit on this one. It was warm and hearty, so it delivered on that promise, but it was just missing... something. At first, I thought it might be butter (as weird as that sounds). Other, similar, versions of this soup that I've had in the past left me with a sense of a buttery richness that was lacking in this one, despite the use of heavy cream. Using breakfast sausage (as opposed to a more traditional Italian sausage) gave the soup a unique flavor profile, but that was not necessarily a good thing. It is not that it was bad, really, just not quite "right". Which was unfortunate because, beyond the sausage, the soup was otherwise somewhat lacking in flavor; a heavier dose of pepper and the addition of hot sauce to my bowl did help, however.

Potential Improvements? This one could certainly be improved with a few changes... I'd use hot Italian sausage rather than breakfast sausage. I'd add more pepper to the pot. And, maybe a tablespoon or two of salted butter?

Polling the Fam: I'd make this one again with the changes above, but it was just kind of "meh" for me overall, in its current state. Becky said it was "just okay," and she did not care for the breakfast sausage taste. Hunter said it was pretty good, at first, but then said "it was missing a flavor" (though he did not know what) and ended with "It was just okay." Fox simply said he thought it was good.

Verdict: It was okay. (3 stars)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Sunday Soup #72: Kapuśniak (Polish Sauerkraut Soup)

Marching Band Season, baby! Whew... Having teenaged kids is a full time job. :-) But, while Soup Sundays are a little more sporadic during this time of year, Fall and Winter soups are among my favorite, as the cooler weather practically begs me to cook! Last week, my wife made a simple, delicious family favorite: ham hock and pinto bean recipe (which is very soup-like; let me know if you want the recipe). And then, the week before, I made a repeat soup that we love. So we have been cooking, but it is always nice to get back onto something new.

I have an affinity for Eastern European soups, and I am always on the lookout for new possibilities... This week, a Polish sauerkraut soup caught my eye, so I decided to whip it up and share it with you, lucky Reader! Let's check it out!!

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I made 1.5x the recipe. I added 15% more sausage and 25% more bacon than called for (because we like our soups meaty!). That's it!!

General Thoughts: This one was a medium prep soup. If you wanted to buy pre-diced onion and carrots, it would save you some time, but not a ton. In addition, chopping and slicing the bacon, sausage, and potatoes can be a little time consuming, but with a glass of wine and some music, it passes quickly. :-) One thing to note, the recipe does a poor job of making it clear up front that the sausage, bacon, tomato paste, caraway, and sauerkraut all start out being cooked separately from the onion, carrots, potatoes, and broth, and are added to the soup pot only after the potatoes are mostly done.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when my sister and I made it

Almost immediately, the soup started smelling great... I had high hopes that it would taste just as yummy, and it definitely delivered. Every bite was pure heaven: meaty and savory, tangy and well-spiced, hearty and warming! Of particular note was the perfect ratio of the caraway and thyme... Both of those flavors can be overwhelming, if you overdo it, but this recipe totally nailed the right balance.

Particularly because my wife was going to be eating this soup, I was a bit worried about how strong of a sauerkraut flavor it would retain... She is not a sauerkraut fan, so if that taste pushed its way to the forefront, she would probably be turned off by it. However, when you cook sauerkraut low-and-slow, or at a simmer for a while (like in this recipe), it mellows out a lot. In this case, the soup retained the perfect amount of "sauer" and tang without being overpowering, and each bite was better than the last.

Potential Improvements? I wouldn't do anything different with this recipe at all, except make sure to include the little bit of extra meat (as I did this time).

Polling the Fam: I loved this one, and it is one of my new faves! Becky said it was good and liked it, making specific mention of the yummy potatoes. Hunter echoed Becky's thoughts almost exactly and said he really enjoyed it. Fox, our Picky Pete, also said it was good and that he liked it, but did not provide any additional commentary.

Verdict: Loved it! (5 stars)

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday Soup #71: Carnitas Caldo

I was out of town last weekend, so there was no soup... But, this Sunday, it was soup's on again! This soup caught Becky's attention a few weeks ago, and it seemed like it would be good for the crowd tonight (particularly since we already had some leftover cooked carnitas!), so I decided to give this one a try.

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I used minced garlic rather than slicing up cloves. I did not use any arugula (nobody here really likes it). And, although it didn't really specify, I seeded the serrano peppers because I was making the soup for some folks that like their fare a bit milder.

General Thoughts: The prep on this one was fairly simple, if you've already got some carnitas cooked up and ready to go. Becky and Lisa share a recipe for some really yummy carnitas, and Lisa had made a bunch up for a beach party several weeks ago, freezing the leftovers. So, I had some ready to roll... If you don't, or don't have a recipe you really like, I suggest going for some pre-cooked carnitas, like Del Real Foods (, which you can often find at grocery stores like Costco or Safeway.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

I actually loved working with the chayote, as it was a new ingredient for me. I have heard it described as a Mexican squash but, when I ate a piece raw, it tasted a bit more like jicama than any squash I've ever had. The texture was kind of like a very firm cucumber when it was raw, but it cooked up nice and soft, and had a nice fresh taste.

The flavor was pretty solid... Obviously, the taste of this soup has a lot to do with the recipe you used for the carnitas. But, the potential is there for it to be rich, smoky, and spicy. My end result had hints of all of those things, and a good profile overall, but the flavors could have been a little stronger. The dumplings were an interesting surprise; they were easier than I thought they'd be to make and they tasted better than expected. The potato-masa dumplings turned out soft and flavorful and, together with the avocado, they added a creaminess that was delightful!

Potential Improvements? Despite the fact that I liked this one very much, there are definitely some improvements to be made, in my opinion... First, I would rather have carnitas that are cut in larger chunks (more like a chunked pork shoulder) rather than shredded, like we had tonight. Next, if I were making this for myself, I would enjoy some stronger flavors, particularly some cumin and some smoked salt, or even a touch of liquid smoke, to give it a bit more smoky flavor. I might also add a bit more spice, by leaving in the serranos' seeds. Finally, a bit more broth would have been appreciated, as was mentioned by several of my guests.

Polling the Fam: I really liked this one and would make it again, particularly with the improvements above. Becky thought it was really good, but said she would have enjoyed more dumplings. Jayson thought it was good, saying he really liked it and found it to be kind of like a deconstructed carnitas burrito. He mentioned he wanted more broth and wanted to try it with some cheese in top. Lisa thought it was really good, but brought up that it could have used more spice, such as cumin. Hunter said he really liked it and that he wouldn't change anything. Fox just said it was "okay."

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

Monday, September 17, 2018

Sunday Soup #70: Black Garlic and Lentil Soup

When I was down visiting my sister in San Diego, she gave me some black garlic to bring home with me. If you've never used black garlic (or, maybe, never even heard of it), it is a really neat ingredient that is common in Asian cooking but has begun to be used more and more in high-end cuisine worldwide. It gets its black color and soft texture from being "aged" (you can actually make your own at home), resulting in a garlic that is more "sweet and syrupy" in taste than the original.

So, being that I had a gourmet ingredient ready to roll, I figured I'd make a gourmet soup this weekend! I found this recipe, which was originally served at the (now-closed) Bar Tartine restaurant in nearby San Francisco, and was inspired by the chef's Hungarian father. You know I like "interesting," so this one looked right up my alley... But how did it turn out?

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I used olive oil rather than lard or grapeseed oil to sauté the veggies. And, I used 16oz of mushrooms instead of just 12oz (because package size). But, other than that, I stuck to the recipe as written.

General Thoughts: Just looking at the ingredient list, you can see that this one is certainly not the easiest prep you'll ever do for a soup. The cooking was pretty straightforward, but there was a fair bit of chopping, dicing, and slicing, not to mention the number of specialized ingredients required (such as the black garlic, Hungarian paprika, black lentils, and dry-cured paprika sausage). It really didn't feel too bad overall, but it did take a little bit of time.

Another thing to note, unless you are making for a crowd (6+), there is no need to multiply this recipe. As written, this recipe made A LOT, and the result was super hearty and filling. So, don't go crazy...

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

This recipe can be summed up in three words: spicy, spicy, spicy! :-) I expected some spice, based on the ingredient list (including a serrano chile, dried chiles de arbol, a spicy sausage, and hot Hungarian paprika), but the soup wound up too spicy for Fox and Becky to eat it. You know I am a fire eater, and it had the PERFECT level of spice for me, so that should tell you what you need to know: if making this one for general consumption, you need to do some swapping or decrease some of the amounts of the spicier ingredients.

Beyond the spice, however, the flavor was amazingly good! It was deep and rich, very complex and interesting. I could definitely taste the black garlic, which was great, and the paprika danced on the tongue. Eat bite of sausage was also a treat, but there wasn't nearly enough of it. This soup was packed with veggies, which were (mostly) yummy, and the lentils were a terrific starchy filler. However, it is worth mentioning that even though I soaked the lentils beforehand, they turned out a little underdone when I stuck to the cooking times in the recipe, so make sure they get cooked through before pulling this soup off the heat.

Finally, a quick note about the sour cream as a garnish... Not only did it serve to effectively soften the spice, but it also helped give this soup a more authentic Eastern European flavor! 

Potential Improvements? As much as it kills me to say it, next time I'll probably do things like seed the serrano, use just 1 tbsp of hot Hungarian paprika, etc. to make the final product more palatable to the masses (my best friend Jayson would not have survived this one!). I would (of course) cook it a bit longer to ensure the lentils were fully soft. I would use more sausage, maybe even up to doubling what is called for by the recipe. And, I think next time I'll leave the tomatoes out all together, and maybe cut the roasted red peppers by half; they made for a weird texture thing for me.

Polling the Fam: I thought this one was really tasty... Super interesting and a bonanza of flavor, so I'd definitely make it again with my above improvements. The only other person in my house that could take the spice was Hunter, who said it was "pretty spicy" and would have been harder for him to eat without the sour cream and a good piece of bread. But, in the end, he said it was "good" and packaged up leftovers for later in the week.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sunday Soup #69: Pumpkin and Chorizo Soup with Cilantro

This is the second soup of the weekend that my sister Rachel and I chose to make while I was visiting her (see Sunday Soup #68 at for the weekend's first entry). I suppose I could have called this one "Sunday Soup #68a," but it is my blog, and I didn't want to, so I didn't! *sticks tongue out* Instead, we were looking for something interesting and unique for #69, and this one fit the bill! Let's take a look...

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: We only made two changes to this one, but they were both pretty major. First, we could not find any Spanish chorizo (which is the firm, sausage-like chorizo, not the meltable, liquidy Mexican chorizo) at the local grocery store. So, instead we used raw linguiça sausage and added 1 tsp paprika and 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar to give it a more Spanish chorizo-like flavor. Second, we belatedly figured out that we forgot to get potatoes, so Rachel roasted and chopped about 2 cups of cauliflower as a substitute.

General Thoughts: This soup had a much shorter ingredient list than the other soup we made this weekend. A little chop and sauté on the onions and garlic, and the extra work to facilitate the use of roasted cauliflower rather than potatoes, and that was about it for the prep. Pretty simple...

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

One of the first things I noticed about this one was that is was considerably chunkier and appeared much thicker than the picture with the recipe, almost more stew-like. But, that did not necessarily bother me, as I have had some great tagine dishes that had a similar look and turned out to taste delicious. Each bite did have a substantial mouth-feel, but I was not thrilled with the texture, which was heavily influenced by the presence of the cauliflower. However, I think that would be moot with a switch backed to potatoes instead.

The taste was decent, presenting as fairly sweet at first bite. It seemed to get less and less sweet as I got deeper into my bowl, but that might have just been desensitization. Spoonfuls that contained chorizo (aka, our doctored linguiça) were savory and delicious, providing a bit of a bite, which was sorely needed. Overall, this recipe was a little bland and needed either some additional spiciness and/or something to provide a contrasting taste profile. The next day, Rachel ate some leftover, and poured some Thai panang curry in the bowl before heating it up; she said the result was a much more interesting flavor overall.

Potential Improvements? This one had a bunch of potential if we make a few tweaks... First, I'd swap the cauliflower out for the potatoes (sorry, Sis!), which should fix my texture issue and improve the taste, in my opinion. Second, it definitely needed some more spice. I think chopping a red Thai chile or two into the mix would help, as well as adding some acidity (with some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar) to help cut the sweetness would be a plus. Third, using actual Spanish chorizo would be desirable. Finally, Rachel suggested that using coconut milk instead of heavy cream would serve to make it both more interesting to the palate and a little thinner.

Polling the Fam: I might make this one again, because it was interesting and solid overall, but I would definitely want to make the changes suggested above. Rachel thought it wasn't as pumpkin-y as she thought it would be, but said that it verged on bland. She thought it definitely needed more spice and flavor before it could be considered really good, offering that she thought it'd be a good Fall soup. Joe said it was good overall, but a little bland, and thought it needed more spice to offset the sweet. And, my 8-year old nephew said he thought it was sweet and good overall.

Verdict: It was okay. (3 stars) (*but could a 4-star dish next time with some improvements)

Sunday Soup #68: Chicken Chimichurri Soup with White Beans

This weekend, I was visiting my sister, Rachel (who is a really good cook!), and we really enjoy cooking together, so we decided to make not one but TWO soups! We picked recipes that looked interesting and yummy, and my sister is gluten-free, so these selections might even be a bit healthy too (shhhh! don't tell anyone). This soup was the first of our selections...

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: We used bottled lemon juice, rather than fresh-squeezed in the chimichurri (because convenience). We used just a little more chicken than called for (about 2 pounds instead of just 1.75 pounds). We used a serrano pepper rather than a red chile. And, we used regular chicken broth rather than low-sodium.

General Thoughts: Although the recipe looks like it has a lot of ingredients (because, it kinda does), the prep was not as heavy as I thought it would be. Another set of hands made for lighter work (a particular thanks to Rachel for chopping the onions so I didn't have to cry!), but it really did not take very long overall. The chimichurri was a particular piece of cake, as all the ingredients went directly into the food processor.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when my sister and I made it

One of the most wonderful things about this one was the smell! Once the chimichurri ingredients were puréed and blended, the mixture smelled flavorful, "grassy," and fresh, promising a spicy and delicious condiment to go with our chicken soup. And, the soup itself filled the kitchen with a delightfully savory aroma that mixed cumin, thyme, vinegar, and chicken in a wonderful mélange that made us impatient to taste it. So, how did it taste? Really, really good!

Each bite was perfectly balanced, not only in how it felt in the mouth (brothy vs. chunky), but in how the spices and salt and vinegar all managed to simultaneously shine through in perfect proportion. The chicken was also moist and succulent, likely owing to the use of often-more-flavorful thighs, rather than breasts) and had clearly absorbed the savory flavor of the broth. Finally, the chimichurri was spectacular, offering a nice acidic bite, a decent spice level (from the chopped red chile and crushed red pepper flakes), and overtones of the fresh parsley and cilantro greens. Overall, it was the perfect topping and compliment to the soup! 

Potential Improvements? When I make this next time for myself, I'd probably up the heat in the chimichurri just a touch, likely by adding an additional chopped red chile. And, if you are very sensitive to salt or sodium in your food, you might want to switch back to the low-sodium chicken broth.

Polling the Fam: I liked this one a whole lot and can't wait to make it again! Rachel really liked it and said it grew on her with every bite. She added that the chimichurri was a must, as well as commenting that she thought it tasted kind of "limey" (which she liked). Joe thought it was good overall (if maybe a little salty for him) and commented that he doesn't usually like brothy soups, but this one was good. My 8-year old nephew (Joseph) opined that he thought it was good, a little acidic, but maybe too hot (prompting a suggestion from Rachel that he blow on the spoon before putting it in his mouth next time). And, finally, my 6-year old niece (Hannah), not to be outdone, wanted to try it and said it was good. ;-)

Verdict: Loved it! (5 stars)

Monday, September 3, 2018

Sunday Soup #67: Instant Pot Chipotle Cheddar Corn Chowder

Becky sent this soup to me a couple of weeks ago, and I have learned that when my wife sends me a soup, it is in my best interest to make it. :-) This one looked yummy, and the smokey chiles in adobo caught my eye, in particular, so I had high expectations. But, did it live up to our hopes?

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I doubled the recipe. I added an extra 1/2-portion of potato. I used medium instead of extra-sharp cheddar (shopping SNAFU). And, I used regular chicken broth, instead of low-sodium.

General Thoughts: This one is fairly low-cost, particularly if you already have bacon on hand, and the prep was pretty simple. I, once again, had a lovely assistant (Lisa) who did my veggie chopping for me and, since this is an Instant Pot recipe, the process from start to finish took only about an hour. (*If you don't have an Instant Pot, there are also slow cooker/CrockPot cooking instructions at the bottom of the recipe page.)

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

The soup came out the perfect thickness, particularly when I gave it a chance to "set up" a little. I used an immersion blender, rather than removing half of it from the pot and putting it in a food processor, but it accomplished the same thing: a hearty and deliciously creamy soup, with a good balance between smooth and chunky.

The flavor was good, not in the least objectionable, but a little bland for my tastes. Many people will like it just the way it is (mild), but I need some more punch. Despite the chiles in adobo and cilantro, the soup was neither overly smokey nor spicy; both flavors were present but very subtle (to my taste buds, at least). As a result, the garnishes played a real starring role, with the bacon, cheese, and green onions all playing a large part in the taste of each bowl. The bacon, in particular, was critical to my enjoyment of this soup. The recipe called for the bacon to be sauteed, but then removed from the pot, and only added back to each bowl after the soup is finished cooking, but you may choose to leave it in the pot if you'd prefer not to use it as a garnish.

Finally, as you can see from the picture above, I served this soup in bread bowls, which was okay, but I am not sure I'd do it again. I think it would have been just fine, if not better, in a standard soup bowl.

Potential Improvements? As good as this one was, there are a few things I would want to do next time... I'd want to make more bacon. It was the best part and, consequently, it went fast! So, I'd make 1.5x or 2x the bacon next go 'round. I'd use double the number of chiles in adobo to really kick up the flavor and give it that punch I was missing. I'd want to use extra-sharp cheese to give it a bit more tang. And, as a backup, I'd love to have a nice selection of hot sauces standing by for eaters to garnish and spice their bowls to their hearts' content.

Polling the Fam: This one was extremely solid, and I'd definitely make it again, especially with the improvements I detailed above. Becky thought it was good, and had two bowls, but thought it was missing a little something that she couldn't put her finger on. Jayson thought it was really good and liked it a lot, but agreed it needed more spice and that it might have been better in a regular soup bowl. Josh called it "pretty amazing," taking special note of the cilantro, and said he'd pay for this soup in a restaurant! (*A very nice compliment, indeed!) Hunter thought it was really good and had three bowls, but agreed with me that the bacon and cheese garnishes were a must.  And, Fox thought it was good and liked that it had potatoes in it.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sunday Soup #66: Slow Cooker Chicken and Green Chile Soup

Happy National Hot & Spicy Food Day! This week, in honor of this auspicious occasion, I figured I'd make a recipe that promised to put a touch of fire on the tongue... I found this one a few months ago, and today was the perfect excuse to give it a whirl!!

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: Other than making a few garnishes/sides (like cotija cheese and tortillas) available that weren't strictly called for by the recipe, I didn't depart from the recipe at all.

General Thoughts: If you've been a reader of my soup posts for any length of time, you may know that I often avoid soups like this one because I feel like they all come out tasting the same. I feel like all the taco soups, chicken tortilla soups, etc. I've tried have all had a very similar taste profile, and it is not a taste I particularly enjoy. I chose this soup because I was hoping for some good spice, and I was crossing my fingers that it would bring something new to my bowl.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

I'll get to the taste in a moment, but first the prep... Super duper easy! This one was even easier than the last soup I made (Sunday Soup #65), and even less expensive, so definitely a win-win there. There was basically just one step: put all the ingredients in the Crock Pot. LOL A very little bit of chopping (on the onions and celery) would be required, unless you are like me and buy the pre-chopped veggies. I am a big baby, and chopping onions make me cry, so I just bought the pre-chopped celery and onion mix at Safeway. :-)

The taste of this soup was just good... It was unlike most of the other Mexican soups I've ever had in that it had a terrific balance of vinegar and spice (due to the jar of green salsa) and was otherwise well-flavored (e.g., salt, oregano, cumin). Left to my own devices, particularly in honor of Hot & Spicy Food Day, I would have gone full-throttle on the heat. But, I used mild diced chiles instead of hot, and then chose a "hot" green salsa we normally enjoy (Mrs. Renfro's Jalapeño Green Salsa) to give it more "kick." The result was a heat level that Hunter and I both found to be just mild-to-medium, but it was still spicy enough that non-fire eaters should find it deliciously piquant.

Potential Improvements? Hard to improve this one but, as I said, if I was making it again for an audience that liked things fiery, I'd use the hot diced green chiles in addition to the hot green salsa.

Polling the Fam: I liked this one very much and would eat this as a "tortilla soup" any day of the week! Becky had to take some to go, as she was headed to work, but texted me and said, "The soup was super good!" I asked her to be more descriptive, but she never texted back, so I am going to assume she was rendered speechless by the yumminess. Hunter had two bowls, said it was good, and felt the cotija cheese greatly contributed to the soup's taste. Even Fox had multiple bowls, saying it was good and that he enjoyed the "medium" spice level.

Verdict: Loved it! (5 stars)

Monday, August 6, 2018

Sunday Soup #65: Smoked Sausage and Black-Eyed Peas

This week, I was looking for something tasty and filling, but easy and inexpensive. I mean, who isn't, am I right? I stumbled across this recipe that looked like it might have some promise, and then I found that it had both an Instant Pot and a standard version, so that cinched it... Let's give it a try!

This recipe came from: (non-Instant Pot version:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I made 1.5x this recipe, and also added a few extra ounces of sausage than was strictly called for.

General Thoughts: True to how it seemed, this one was easy! The few ingredients were simple and inexpensive, the prep was uber minimal (particularly since I used pre-chopped onion), and the Instant Pot made cooking a breeze. It is rare to find a recipe that actually delivers on its "promise" to be both simple and inexpensive (especially if it is also yummy), so it is worth keeping track of the ones that do.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

This soup was a perfect balance of bulk and broth. I was initially worried that it would be too thick, more the consistency of a split-pea soup. But, while the bulk was certainly there, there was enough broth to keep it interesting. If you prefer a thicker, creamier soup, you could definitely use an immersion blender to purée a portion of the mix once the black-eyed peas have been fully cooked.

The taste was really good, if just a tad one-dimensional. Black-eyed peas, if you are unfamiliar, are legumes that are very bean-like, and they tend to take on the flavor of what they are cooked with. In this case, the smoked kielbasa, garlic, thyme, and salt all imparted flavor to the mix, and the combined product was super solid, but it was difficult to isolate the taste of any particular ingredient in any given bite (with the possible exception of the fresh thyme). I poured a bit of vinegar from a jar of jalapeños into one of my bowls, which is something I often do when I eat pinto beans, and that was the perfect additive to help things "pop" a little more (for me, but your tastes may vary).

Overall, this one was just very solid... The taste was good, it was hearty and filling, and the ease of prep was a winner!

Potential Improvements? Not much to improve on here... I might try adding some chopped pickled jalapeños into the pot before cooking to add a little of that vinegar bite I got after the fact, and you could also add some chopped bacon for a little more flavor and meaty goodness.

Polling the Fam: This one could easily fall into the "Ol' Reliable" category for me: a strong go-to recipe when I want cheap, easy, and tasty! I would definitely make it again. Becky thought it was good, saying she liked it and would eat it again. Hunter found it solid, filling and good, taking particular note of the kielbasa, although he called it pretty standard. He said he'd eat it again. Finally, Fox said he thought it was okay, but that he couldn't think of a way to improve it.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

Monday, July 23, 2018

Sunday Soup #64: Green Gazpacho

A hot summer evening, a friendly dinner party, a refreshing cold soup, and... MURDER?!?! Well, not premeditated, so maybe just a little attempted negligent manslaughter? So, lesson learned... When you are naming off ingredients in the soup, and you forget to mention one ingredient, and that is the one ingredient that your wife is very allergic to, so your wife then eats a bowl of it and spends the rest of the evening fighting anaphylactic shock, it can put a damper on the night. But, hey, the soup was great!!

This recipe came from: This recipe is not online; I got it from a terrific cookbook called "Paleo Soups & Stews: Over 100 Delectable Recipes for Every Season, Course, and Occassion" by Simone Miller (

*Pic 1 - From "Paleo Soups & Stews: Over 100 Delectable Recipes for Every Season, Course, and Occassion" by Simone Miller

First, the recipe (since you can't find it online):

  • 2 English cucumbers (about 1.5 pounds), halved lengthwise and roughly chopped
  • 1.5 pounds of green grapes, plus more for garnish
  • 1 avocado, peeled, pitted, and quartered
  • 1 small shallot, chopped (about 1/4 cup)
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling
  • 1/4 cup white wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Handful of mint leaves, roughly chopped, plus more for garnish
  • 1/4 cup salted roasted almonds, finely chopped, for garnish
  1. Place all of the ingredients except the almonds in a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, until very cold.
  3. Serve the chilled soup topped with sliced grapes, almonds, mint leaves, and a drizzle of olive oil.

Variations from Recipe as Written: I made 1.5 times the recipe. I followed everything else exactly.

General Thoughts: We had friends over for a casual dinner party, and I was looking for something to serve as a unique side (along side a main course of carnitas). It was 90+ degrees outside, and I know I always say, "Hot soup is great, even on a hot day," but this time I thought a cold soup might be a cool, refreshing change of pace.

This recipe calls for common ingredients, none of which were particularly expensive, and the blender did most of the heavy lifting on the prep. However, despite the simplicity of the recipe, the end result was elegant, with a surprisingly complex flavor.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

This soup was a perfect choice for the hot Summer day, and it delivered on its promise to be cool, crisp, and clean. I was able to taste almost every ingredient in each bite: the fresh cucumbers, the sweet grapes, the savory garlic, the creamy avocado, the smooth shallot, and the rich olive oil. It was beautifully balanced!

The consistency was also a nice surprise, as the dish felt more substantial than I expected from a blended soup. As I mentioned, I made it as a side dish (actually, more of a bonafide soup course, since the main course ran a little late), so we served it in smaller mugs rather than full bowls. So, while a big bowl of it would have gone down just as well, a mug-full perfectly hit the spot.

Finally, a quick note about the garnishes (the sliced cucumbers, halved grapes, almonds, chopped mint, and olive oil drizzle)... They weren't vital to the soup's taste, but they added a lot to the presentation, provided some texture variety, and contributed greatly to my enjoyment of the dish.

Potential Improvements? This recipe was REALLY good the way it was, but my audience made a couple of suggestions... Someone suggested possibly add a jalapeño or two (to keep with the green theme and add a little spice). Another guest thought that adding a bit more acidity in the form of some lime juice could be a positive change, too. I, myself, sprinkled a little smoked paprika over one of my bowls, which added some additional savory depth, but I realize that might not be for everyone.

Polling the Fam: I loved this one, pure and simple... One of my favorites so far, and I will definitely make it again! Becky ate her cup and said, "I liked it... It was much better than I thought it would be. Hey, is anybody else's throat starting to itch?" (*She is allergic to avocados. Oops.) Hunter did not care for it, saying it tasted like thin guacamole... I think the concept of a cold soup just threw him for a loop. Lisa said, "This is possibly one of the best things I've ever put in my mouth." Moving on... Jayson liked it. Ken liked. Kim liked it. Trevor liked it. Ashley liked it. Basically, unless you are my weirdo oldest child, everybody liked it (even my allergic wife). :-)

Verdict: Loved it! (5 stars)

Monday, July 9, 2018

Sunday Soup #63: Mexican Albondigas Soup

I love Mexican food! I mean, who am I kidding, I love most food... but I have a special place in my heart (and stomach) for Mexican cuisine. I have wanted to make an albondigas (i.e., Mexican meatball) soup for a while now, and I found this one that had the added bonus of being an Instant Pot recipe, so I figured I'd give it a go! Let's see how it worked out...

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I made one VERY important change to the posted recipe... I substituted Mexican chorizo for half of the ground beef (so, the meatballs included 1/2-pound ground beef and 1/2-pound chorizo).

General Thoughts: While the cooking on this one was a piece of cake (thanks to the Instant Pot), the prep was a little involved... I had some awesome help from my friend Lisa, who did all the chopping/dicing, so that was nice, but mixing and rolling the meatballs was a chore. Now, you might be saying to yourself, "Well, yeah dumbdumb, rolling meatballs is a chore." But, in my defense, the chunks of onion and green pepper, along with the wetness of the chorizo, made it difficult for me to get dense, consistent meatballs.  Those of you pro meatball-makers out there may have some tips for us to use in the future, but I did the best I could with these. They still came out okay (even if they weren't perfect). :-)

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

The taste of this one was solid overall. It didn't scorch my taste buds, as I left it somewhat mild to better appeal to the non-fire eaters in the group, but the tastes blended well. It turned out like a yummy Mexican vegetable soup, with rice and meatballs. The meatballs themselves were yummy, but a little unremarkable, particularly considering they were half chorizo. I expected to get a big hit of chorizo taste in each bite (of both the meatballs themselves and the soup overall), but it was subtle.

The rice was an important ingredient in making this a hearty selection, as it would been a bit thin without it. But, what the rice did not help with was the texture. While the texture wasn't a bad thing, per se, it was a little uniform and lacked variety. The rice was soft, the veggies were soft, the meatballs were soft... So, completely palatable, but in need of some textural diversity to make it more interesting.

Potential Improvements? Next time, I think I'll go for a smaller dice on the onions and peppers in the meatballs. Although it did not call for it, using cheese as a garnish would add some stringy, salty goodness that would just enhance the flavor. And, as Jayson specifically mentioned, making some crispy tortilla strips to go on top (and add that needed texture component) would be great!

Polling the Fam: I liked this one and, with the suggested improvements, I'd make it again. Becky was not very brave and only tried one bite of a meatball, but said the texture turned her off. Jayson said he really liked the whole thing, calling it one of the best soups he's eaten for this project. He said the hint of spice as just perfect, and he suggested cheese and crunchy tortilla strips as improvements. Micah said she liked it overall, but the flavor was strong and needed something to cut it.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

Monday, July 2, 2018

Sunday Soup #62: Bacon, Shrimp, and Corn Chowder

My best buddy, Jayson, and I both enjoy seafood soups, but our normal family dinner crew includes others that are anti- anything that comes from the water. This weekend, though, those that normally object were either missing or eating something different, so I was free to pick a seafood soup that looked yummy. But, how did it go?

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I actually make a few alterations to this one... I made 1.5 times the recipe. I used an extra slice of bacon. I used an extra half-pound of shrimp. I used "Better Than Bullion" to supplement the chicken stock (because I needed 4.5 cups, but stock is normally sold in 4-cup sized boxes). I added two tablespoons of Lawry's Seasoned Salt to the pot to kick up the flavor. And, instead of adding the bacon and the shrimp to each bowl as it was prepped, I just added the shrimp and bacon back to the pot once the rest of the broth/soup was finished.

General Thoughts: This soup was fairly simple to put together... Lisa helped me by dicing the bacon and chopping the onions, but that was only real pre-prep work required. The rest was just the usual cooking steps...

I noted that this was one of those recipes that came out looking much less "polished" than the pictures from the website. It did come out very chowder-y, which was good, but it wound up looking a bit rougher and more stew-ish than the pristine bowl of chunky, creamy perfection they depicted in the staged photos. I think this was partly due to the use of the immersion blender, which made the corn and onions a little ragged. But, as with most soups (imho), the taste was more important than how it looked...

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

When I first tasted a spoonful of the soup out of the pot, it was actually a bit bland. That surprised me, as I thought the amount of bacon I'd fried up would have added more salty, savory flavor to the mix. I could taste the paprika and the thyme (the most forward flavors were the thyme and the shrimp), but it definitely needed a kick... Ideally, I would have preferred a cajun seasoning or some Old Bay, but I had Lawry's Seasoned Salt to hand, and that did the trick.

This soup turned out a little thinner than I expected, but it was still hot and hearty. Each bite was savory (thanks to the Lawry's) and had a piece of tender, yummy shrimp (which reinforced my choice to add the extra half-pound of shrimp). I was also a bit worried about textures and consistency, but those fears were unfounded, as it wound up close to feeling like a chunky shrimp stew that went down easy.

Potential Improvements? I think substituting Old Bay seasoning or something like Tony Chachere's creole seasoning would have been better than Lawry's. Adding potatoes would definitely have been a plus, as well as some Italian sausage or chicken (to make it a meat trio - shrimp, bacon, and sausage or chicken) and provide some additional bulk and flavor.

Polling the Fam: For me, this was another of those soups that would have wound up at 3.5 stars, but I am confident with the improvements I suggested it would be a solid 4. I'd definitely make it again. Jayson thought it was good but thought it was missing a little something too, suggesting potatoes and some chicken or sausage to help flesh it out. Hunter also liked it overall, and agreed on the potatoes, but said it wasn't his favorite soup I've ever made.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sunday Soup #61: Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Chili (aka, Soup)

The last two weeks have been SO busy! Kids activities, tons of overtime for my wife, and an uptick in my work travel have made for a hectic start to Summer... So, this weekend I was looking for something easy to prepare that promised to please a hungry family. Enter this slow cooker recipe... "But, wait," you might be saying, "the name says 'chili,' not soup!" You can call it "chili" if you want, but it is definitely a soup... S-O-U-P.

(*created with the meme creator at

But, was it any good?

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I used canned corn instead of frozen (because I could buy a can that contained almost exactly one cup, rather than having to buy a whole bag of frozen corn and have some left over). That's it!

General Thoughts: Browning the the ground chicken was a snap, and then everything just went into the slow cooker. That. Was. It! Really... This one was extremely easy to prepare. The recipe gives you the option of cooking it on High for four hours or Low for eight hours, but neither method really affects how difficult it is to prepare. I chose to cook it for eight hours on Low, btw...

One thing that did make me skeptical was the size of the diced tomatoes. Maybe it was a matter of brand, but the diced fire-roasted tomatoes I chose were very large chunks. For someone like me, who equates cooked chunks of tomato with gag-worthy cuisine (I usually purée my tomatoes when I cook), it was fairly distressing. But, my fears were unfounded... Once the soup was cooked, I found that the tomatoes not only favorably contributed to the overall taste of the soup, but they were texturally unobtrusive.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

Since I brought it up already, the texture of the soup overall was good. It was consistently chunky and felt hearty and satisfying. The cream cheese also gave it a creaminess that was important. Becky did say that she felt the way the cream cheese was combined in the soup (i.e., heated in the soup as a block and then mixed in right before serving) led to a feeling of some grittiness/graininess, but that was minor.

The taste was terrific! Whether you want to call it a "chili" or a "soup," it was brothy and flavorful, filling and satisfying. It had just enough spice, and the creaminess of the cheese was cut by the vinegary tang of the wing sauce. It was also perfectly spiced and, when eaten with some sliced sourdough bread, really hit the spot.

Potential Improvements? Next time, I'll double the recipe... It says it makes "8 servings," but it wound up only feeding three of us, so you'll need more to feed a crowd. And, I'd like to try Becky's suggestion to cube the cream cheese to see if it would make it a little smoother. Other than that, it is great the way it is!

Polling the Fam: The taste of this soup alone was worth a solid 4 or 4.5, but when I consider how simple and inexpensive it was to prepare, it is easy to give this one top marks. Becky really liked it, as well, and said she'd definitely eat it again. And, Fox (aka, Picky McPickerson) said it might just be his favorite soup he's ever eaten. He loved it and said he'd be eager to have it again.

Verdict: Loved it! (5 stars)