Sunday, December 24, 2017

Sunday Soup #47: Christmas Soup

'Twas the soup before Christmas... Yule Tide through the land
As I pondered a recipe to delight my three fans
Should it be meaty or vegan, spicy or bland?
And what kinds of things did I have on hand?

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a soup actually called "Christmas," via Google, right here!
Alton Brown is a dependable, merry old cook
So something by him is at least worth a look

It seemed festive and hearty, with reds and some greens
To tempt my wife, mother-in-law, and even two teens
So, I decided it could be this soup I'd employ
In hopes to bring each Souper Trooper much Christmas joy!

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: I made one-and-a-half times the recipe, but I still just used only one-times the amount of kale called for (for the math-y among you, I used 2/3 the amount that would normally be present in the recipe, as written). I also used 28oz of kielbasa sausage (instead of the 24oz that I would have used if I followed the recipe exactly).

General Thoughts: Merry Christmas, friends! I hope you are all enjoying family and friends this holiday season... I certainly am and, with my mother-in-law in town and plans to hang with our best friends on Christmas Eve, my mind naturally turned to the best part of the holidays... THE FOOD! And you know, when I think food, I think soup more often than not. I know it's a little on-the-nose, but I decided to search Google for "Christmas soup" and voilĂ : Alton Brown's Christmas Soup!

Alton's recipes are usually a winner, but I was a little hesitant when I saw that I'd be mixing kidney beans and potatoes in the same soup. Not that I object to either one, but having them together in one soup is a little unorthodox, and I was bothered by thoughts that this soup could be way too starchy.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

As is my preference, this recipe was easy to prepare and required a minimum number of ingredients.  There was a little chopping involved (sausage and potatoes), and I had to soak the kidney beans, but those tasks went quickly.

With so few spices (the garlic and black pepper were really it), I thought it might turn out too bland. But, I was pleasantly surprised... If you like your soups to be so salty that you crave a sip of water after each spoonful of broth, then you might want to kick it up a little bit; however, I thought that it was perfectly seasoned, gaining flavor (and saltiness) from the sausage and chicken broth, and the little bit of vinegar really provided some great contrast (and just enough bite) for the palate.

This soup was was super hearty and extremely filling, perfect for a cold Winter night... And it just plain looked good! All in all, this is a very solid choice, delivering in all the major categories, and would likely please your crowd!

Potential Improvements? Despite the fact that I used slightly more kielbasa than the recipe called for, I'd use even more next time... I am a carnivore at heart and felt like it needed to be even a little more meaty than it was. Other than that, for me, it was pretty right on!

Polling the Fam: I enjoyed it, and I think it will become a Christmas-time staple for me. Becky liked it, although she thought the kale was a little slimy (which is most likely because dinner was delayed about 30 minutes after the soup was ready, so it could easily be fixed). Debby said it was her kind of soup, so she liked it, enjoying the beans and potatoes and not minding the kale. Hunter said it was good, although he didn't love the beans and thought it could have used a little more spice. Fox also liked it and said he enjoyed the sausage, but he wasn't crazy about the kale.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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