Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sunday Soup #37: Polish Dill Pickle Soup

I am so excited...! Ever since the beginning of this project, I've had a dill pickle soup recipe (or four) saved and been dying to try it. Well, the day has come, my friends! Do you like soup? Do you like dill pickles? Have you ever thought, "I wish I could find a way to combine my love of soup and dill pickles?" Well then, this entry is for you!!

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I added one pound (boneless, skinless) chicken breast for some protein. I put it in the pot with the ingredients in step 1, then pulled it out and roughly diced it between steps 1 and 2.

General Thoughts: Another soup with some fairly easy prep, which is always a plus. I was unsure (at first) how I was going to shred pickles, but then I decided to just (duh!) shred them using a cheese grater. I have to say, pickles (particularly when they are crisp) are much easier to shred than I thought they'd be. Other than that, peeling and slicing the potatoes was the only other real chore.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

Despite the instant flour/milk mixture, this soup did not turn out to be as thick as I expected, which was surprising. Also, even with the four shredded pickles and the pickle brine, it did not turn out quite as "pickley" as it initially smelled. However, that wasn't really much of a problem, since individual tastes for such strong, unique flavors can vary. The garnishes (e.g., sour cream, fresh dill, and sliced pickles) added quite a bit to the soup's flavor profile, and I definitely would suggest not skimping on the pepper (Lisa!).

The chicken was a great addition and gave the soup a real boost in the heartiness department. Though, I would definitely recommend sticking to chicken stock if you are going to add chicken. It is also worth mentioning that I don't think any other type of protein (i.e., beef, pork, or fish) would have worked in this soup quite as well as the chicken did.

Overall, the soup was pretty good... I was going to say "surprisingly good," but I really didn't know what to expect going in, so it was just objectively solid.

(*NOTE: I've decided to start adding a "Potential Improvements" section - like the one below - to all future soup posts, since it seems like there is always something I think could help a recipe be better, no matter how tasty it was.)

Potential Improvements? For me (and Hunter), this soup actually lacked a little bit of the "bite" we were hoping for; the type of vinegary pickle flavor that makes dill pickles a very specific, distinct taste. But, adding a shot of apple cider vinegar to each bowl was PERFECT! I say "to each bowl," rather than to the overall pot, because that taste does not suit everyone's palate, so it is safer to garnish for each individual. Also, I think it would have been better if I'd cut the potatoes a little smaller; a large/coarse dice would have been right on. Finally, this soup would definitely have benefit from serving it with a side of bread.

Polling the Fam: I liked it, and for the ease of prep and the uniqueness of it, I'd definitely make it again, particularly with the improvements above. Becky does not normally care for an overabundance of dill pickle taste, but she liked this soup well enough, particularly with sour cream to make it a little less pickle-forward. Although she went back for seconds tonight, she said she'd eat it again but wouldn't request it to be made. Hunter also liked it, and said he'd eat it again, but he said it did not have quite enough pickle taste (so he added vinegar, as well). He also thought the pepper was really important to preventing the soup from being too bland for his tastes.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Sunday Soup #36: West African Peanut Chicken Stew

Yes, yes, I know it is Thursday, but I really made this soup this past Sunday. I did! My friend Lisa can vouch for me... Don't tell anyone, but I have a secret other life where I work a full-time job and spend time with my family. In the future, I'll try not to let that interfere with my soup posts, I promise! Now, on to this week's soup...

I normally find and make yummy-looking soup recipes from all over the Web, but sometimes I am privileged to be able to highlight a recipe received directly from my friends and readers (under the condition that I can be honest about it, of course)... That is the case this week! I am happy to have received this recipe from my friend Jennifer Favour, who said it is a favorite in her family. It sounded delicious, but did it deliver...?

This recipe came from: My friend, Jennifer. Because this is a homemade family favorite, rather than an Internet find, here's the full recipe for your enjoyment:

3 tbsp butter
2 onions (minced)
1 tbsp garlic (minced)
1 red pepper (diced)
1/2 green pepper (diced)
6 cups chicken stock
1-15oz can tomato puree
2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp crushed red pepper
1/2 cup rice
1 lb cooked chicken (diced)
1/2 cup peanut butter
Salt to taste

Melt the butter in a large pot over low heat. Increase heat and add the onions, sautéing until transparent. Add the garlic and sauté another two minutes. Add the red and green pepper and sauté another five minutes. Add the chicken stock, tomato puree, black pepper, and crushed red pepper. Bring to a boil and add the rice, stirring often. When the rice is cooked, add the peanut butter and mix. Add the diced chicken and salt to taste. Serve.

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I doubled the recipe, but followed it quite closely, so that I was sure I did it justice.

General Thoughts: I was drawn to this recipe from the start because it sounded exotic and promised some flavors I haven't used in this project before. As an added bonus, it was super easy to make, counting on a simple list of quality ingredients and a minimum of prep (down with tedious chopping!).

How a soup smells is often a good harbinger of how it will taste, and this soup smelled terrific as soon as I began sautéing the onion and garlic. Then, once the liquid was added, it took on a deep, rich red/orange color. Off to a great start!!

*Pics 1 & 2 - Pictures from when I made it

This soup was all about the flavor, and the peanut butter was king; it made the soup rich, creamy, and delightfully unique. I thought the amount of peanut butter was pretty right on (although I definitely could have tolerated more); however, Jayson thought it needed more peanut taste, whereas Hunter thought it needed less, so it is clearly subjective.

Like the peanut butter, the level of spice was also the subject of comments. Jennifer told me that, in her family, her husband enjoys the recipe at "full strength" (2 tsp of black pepper and 1 tsp of crushed red pepper), but she more often likes it with half the spice. As I was preparing the soup, right off the bat, Lisa said, "Wow, that is WAY too much black pepper!" (*But she ultimately agreed it was probably the right amount.) And, the full dose of spice was just a touch too much for Jayson to truly enjoy. But then, Hunter said it could have stood to be spicier.

The lesson: Poll your audience before deciding to increase or cut back back on the PB & P(epper)!

Polling the Fam: Overall, I really liked this one and would love to try it with a few squirts of Sriracha. I also think I might swap out the rice for some quartered new potatoes next time. And, there will DEFINITELY be a next time! Hunter commented that it would be a perfect soup for when he is sick, and he described the sourdough bread I served with it as "vital."  Fox (whose palate is really opening up) said he liked it, and the peanut butter was a "nice surprise." Jayson thought it was good, if just a bit too spicy, and said he thought the peanut taste was not as strong the peanut smell. Lisa said it was really, really good and easy to make. She added that it left her mouth tingling, and the bread was great to cut the spice. And, finally, Andrew described it as "pretty good with a good spice level."

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars) Thanks, Jennifer!!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Sunday Soup #35: Peruvian Cilantro Chicken Soup

Another few weeks off due to busy life (travel, kids, etc.), so I'm happy this week to get back to such a rewarding hobby: SOUP! This week I was looking for an easy, healthy, (potentially) yummy soup that was also a little exotic... The answer? Peruvian Cilantro Chicken!

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I doubled the recipe, and I subbed an anaheim pepper for the plain green bell pepper. I used pre-crushed garlic rather than grating my own. And, I left out the salt (because, quite frankly, I forgot to add it).

General Thoughts: The prep for this one was actually pretty simple... The chopping was the most significant step, but it was over in a snap (particularly because I am a big cry baby, and my wife was kind enough to chop the onions for me). :-)  I am definitely a fan of soups that seem quite sophisticated, but are really very easy to prepare... But was it yummy?

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

From the outset, this concoction smelled awesome! Particularly after I put in the cumin, oregano, and garlic, the whole house was filled with wonderful scents that promised deliciousness! It was also very visually appealing... In my experience, rarely does a soup measure up to the food "glamour photo," but this one came reasonably close once it was garnished.

It also came close to tasting as good as it looked, which was pretty darn good! It reminded me of a more-flavorful chicken tortilla soup. The chicken was hearty and flavorful, and the volume of potatoes was just perfect to give it extra substance. My favorite part was actually the chunked corn cobs, which were colorful and delicious in their unique presentation. Finally, despite the additions I'd recommend (see below), I was fairly satisfied with the simple green onions and lime wedges as garnishes.

It is worth mentioning, Becky and I have been eating it left over since yesterday, and we are enjoying the leftovers just as much!

Potential improvements? I definitely think it would have been a little better if I had salted the veggies, as instructed, but that was probably minor. And, some queso fresco would have gone well in this one. However, I think the biggest need was more spice (although, I do have a higher tolerance than most). The next time I make it, I think I'll substitute jalapenos for the anaheims, and serranos for the jalapenos, if you follow me... The point is, more cowbell! Also, a nice crusty french-sourdough roll or some homemade tortillas would have significantly contributed to our overall enjoyment of this soup.  

Polling the Fam: I think it was solid and lived up to its promise of a "fancy" but easy, and definitely yummy, soup; I would make it again. Becky thought it was good and said she'd eat it again. Hunter also liked it and called it "Pretty darn good!"

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)