Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sunday Soup #34: Crock Pot Pork Chile Verde (Soup)

My wife sent me this recipe, and I like to keep her happy, so I gave it a go! I was a little skeptical at first, as I usually consider chile verde a filling for tacos and burritos, not as a soup unto itself, but the recipe's author repeatedly describes it as a soup on her website, so let's be open-minded...

A couple of Becky's co-workers (looking at you Marie and Robert!) correctly pointed out that I made a soup similar to this one last March (https://soupersleuth.blogspot.com/2017/03/sunday-soup-26-chile-verde-pork-pozole.html), and it was really yummy (but a lot of work to prep)... Would this one fare as well?

This recipe came from: https://www.mynaturalfamily.com/recipes/paleo-recipes/crock-pot-chili-verde-recipe/

*Pic 1 - https://www.mynaturalfamily.com/recipes/paleo-recipes/crock-pot-chili-verde-recipe/

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I used smoked paprika instead of regular (because I like it!) and did not garnish with avocado (because Becky is allergic) but, other than that, I followed the recipe closely.

General Thoughts: First, the good... I was really surprised by the amount of flavor that came through. Homemade chile verdes often let me down... I actually expected it to taste overly pork-y or to be somewhat sour and overpowered by the tomatillos. But, none of that happened... The balance was excellent, with the perfect blend of tang and spice and meaty goodness reaching the palate all together.  The soup also had a nice consistency, providing a not-too-thick, but also not-quite-thin, broth that was perfect for spooning up every drop!

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it (special thanks to my brother-in-law for the pics)

Now the "less" good... The main problem was, the soup was just kind of boring, overall. The pork was really great, and then there was the... um... the... hmm... the... sorry, there just really wasn't anything else. There were onions, I suppose, and those contributed greatly to the good flavor, but they really weren't something I noticed as a "thing" in the soup itself.  I suppose I could have gotten more creative with garnishes not originally called for by the recipe (which I have done for other soups in the past), but I was trying to keep it simple on this one. And it ended up being exactly that, simple (which isn't necessarily bad, but it didn't wholly work with this soup).

Let me be clear about this... I really liked this as a good chile verde recipe, and I will DEFINITELY make this again as a delicious meat choice for taco/burrito night. But, for me, as a soup, it just didn't do enough to justify the prep work.

One change I would make in the future, whether I was preparing this as a soup again, or as a good chile verde meat recipe, I'd knock up the heat factor with a blast from my Spice Weasel! Whether it is using hot diced hatch chiles, or my ghost pepper salt, or some smoked chile powder, I like my chile verde to really sizzle... So, while this recipe had great flavor and would be a crowd-pleasing chile verde dish that even chile lightweights could handle, I (personally) need a little more burn!

Polling the Fam: Again, I thought the flavor was there, and it was definitely tasty overall, but a bit boring. For my money, I'd make the "Chile Verde Pork Pozole" (https://soupersleuth.blogspot.com/2017/03/sunday-soup-26-chile-verde-pork-pozole.html) again, with all its yummy hominy and garnishes, before I'd make this one as a soup (although, I approve of it as a straight-up chile verde recipe). Becky thought it was delicious and said she'd eat it again, but as a chile verde, not a soup.

Verdict: It was okay. (3 stars)

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