Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Sunday Soup #24: Creamy Tuscan Garlic Tortellini Soup

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 - Picture from

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I roughly pureed the canned diced tomatoes, as no one in my family is that crazy about chunky cooked toms.  And, I used the Garlic variety of canned diced tomatoes for a little extra "umph." I also probably used closer to 10 or 11oz of tortellini, rather than the 9oz called for, since I halved a 20oz package by eye-balling it.

General Thoughts: I was pleasantly surprised that the recipe, as written, made quite a bit. I have a tendency to double recipes, because my family are big eaters, but the recipe (as written) easily fed three adults with big appetites, with some leftovers. You know how I love to get additional meals out of good soups!

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

This soup possessed the second favorite characteristic for the soups I make: it was relatively quick and easy to prepare (my first favorite being yumminess!).  Particularly if you use what I like to call "pre-prep" ingredients (e.g., diced onions, prepared garlic, pre-shredded chicken, etc.), this recipe can be put together in 15 minutes or less. Perfect for a weekday dinner!

The soup was hot and hit the spot, with a nice slice of sourdough bread to sop up the broth in the bottom of the bowl.  It had a feel somewhere between a hearty Italian soup and saucy pasta dish with a whole lot going on! The spinach provided some great color and a good earthy taste.

My primary criticism of this recipe is that, despite the garlic (and the Garlic tomatoes I used), it turned out a little bland. I think some additional Italian seasoning (an extra half tablespoon, maybe) would have helped, as well as a little bit of lemon juice and some more black pepper.  Becky suggested that some fresh basil (cut into small strips, like you sometimes find with caprese salad) would also have positively added to the soup's flavor profile.

Polling the Fam: Although I am not over-the-moon about this one, it was solid, warm and hearty, and (particularly because of how easy it was to make) I'd definitely try it again, making the few tweaks I suggested above. Becky liked it overall, but likewise found it a bit bland. Hunter enjoyed it, but agreed that kicking the flavor up a notch would be a welcome thing; despite that, he asked to eat it as leftovers for dinner tonight, so I must have done something right!

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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