Saturday, January 21, 2017

Guest Sunday Soup: Creamy Potato Bacon Soup

Hi there, Souper Troopers...! I am very pleased to add an entry this week from my good friend, Nicole Perry, who made a great potato soup recipe from the Red Apron Girl website.

Name: Creamy Potato Bacon Soup

Original Recipe From:

Nicole texted me looking for a good bacon potato soup. In the past (pre-blog/soup project), I had made this one and really liked it, so she decided to give it a whirl... and she crushed it!

*Pic 1 -

Any Changes?: Nicole is a good cook and did some cool things with this recipe... Her most significant modification was that she added celery and carrots, sauteing them with the bacon before adding the mixture to the soup. Her family, like mine, struggles to keep veggies in the dinner lineup, so this was a perfect addition, and it added to (rather than detracted from) the soup's flavor, which is always the goal!

*Pic 2 - Picture from when Nicole made it

So, Was It Any Good?: Nicole reported it was a hit! Her family dug it, and when I asked her how it was, on a scale of 1-10, she said, "10!" Better though (in my book, anyway), is that she reported it was even better left over, the next day. I am a sucker for a soup that is just as good leftover as it was fresh... soup is the gift that should keep on giving all week!

Verdict: Sounds like, it's a keeper!

Thanks, Nicole, for sharing a great recipe!

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