Monday, September 26, 2016

Sunday Soup #17: Easy Homemade Wonton Soup

This recipe came from:

It was super hot on Sunday in Gilroy, CA... A nice brisk 102 degrees! But, it was a dry heat, right? LOL So, what did I do to beat the heat? Make soup, of course!

*Pic 1 - Picture from

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I went a little bonkers with variations in this recipe, but it primarily had to do with what was available at the store. Okay, so that was a lie... I just like changing stuff because I think it sounds better! :-)

The biggest departure is that the recipe's author spends a good bit of the page telling/showing you how to make shrimp and pork wontons on your own, and I am sure they are delicious, but I did not have that kind of time... I used two 12oz bags of the Trader Joe's Chicken & Cilantro Frozen Wontons (; they were very tasty and made this soup SO much simpler and faster to make. Then (because I can't seem to leave well enough alone), I used 8 cups of chicken broth instead of 7; 10oz of brown mushrooms instead of 4; a cup of shredded carrots instead of thin slices; and 5 bok choy leaves instead of 3.

General Thoughts: For the amount of time this soup took to make (HINT: hardly any!), it was remarkably good! It was hearty and the textures in each bite was A-mazing!! I added the frozen wontons right at the end and cooked an additional 2 minutes (per the instructions on the bag), and it worked out very well.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

The soup was visually pleasing, the bok choy gave it a bit of earthy flavor, the mushrooms and carrots were perfectly tender, the shrimp was delicate and not overdone (i.e., not rubbery), and the Asian flavor (helped with a little soy sauce in my bowl) popped in every bite.  You would need to like Asian food to enjoy this one, which I (of course) do, and it would really hit the spot if you were craving a quick and delicious hit of Asian flavor that could be made simply and quickly as a main dish.  It would also be a great choice as a (heavy) soup course for an Asian- or international-themed meal.

Polling the Fam: I think this is one of the best all-round soups I've made since I started my 52-week soup challenge, and I would definitely make it again.  Hunter, who was the only other Souper Trooper to partake this week, likes Asian food, but does not really do shellfish (like shrimp) or mushrooms; however, he really liked this soup! He enjoyed it and would definitely look forward to eating it again, shrimp, mushrooms, and all!.

Verdict: Loved it! (5 star)

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