Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sunday Soup #94: Instant Pot Broccoli Cheese Soup

As promised, this is the second soup I made last weekend for my diners. I had already made a ham and potato soup (posted as Sunday Soup #93, if you want to check it out too), but my fun friend Lisa also wanted something a little different. Earlier in the week, Lisa sent me a link to a recipe billed as a copycat Panera Broccoli Cheese Soup. Her friend Diane had made it and sent it along with a couple of prep tips she had after making it in her kitchen. Broccoli cheese soups can be a little tricky to get right, but with the ham and potato soup already cooking on the stove, trying this one in the Instant Pot was too good an opportunity to pass up.

This recipe came from:

Variations from Recipe as Written: Following one of Diane's suggestions, I sprinkled the cornstarch (which I used as a thickener since Lisa really doesn't eat wheat flour) on top of the veggies in the Instant Pot and did not stir the ingredients before bringing the pot up to pressure. And, I used regular vegetable stock rather than low sodium.

General Thoughts: The prep for this soup was super easy and fast, particularly since I used the pre-cut broccoli florets and pre-chopped onions. All it took was a little chopping on the carrots, and I was all set! Once everything was in the pot, I sealed it, brought it to pressure, let it cook for just one minute, and then let the pressure release naturally; all-in-all, it was in the pot for about 35-ish total minutes from lid-on to lid-off.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

I have to admit, I was pretty surprised when I opened up the lid! I expected to see huge chunks of broccoli and veggies that I was going to have to hit with the immersion blender to make platable. But, when I mixed in the cheese and milk, the veggies (including the titular broccoli) were so tender that the consistency became quite smooth. Success! However, the cornstarch had clumped rather unappetizingly. I am not sure if it was because of the way I left it sitting on top when I sealed the pot, or if wheat flour would have done better, but it stayed a little clumpy even though I attempted to break up the random starch "balls" before serving.

This soup was tasty and consistent throughout. The broccoli taste was just the right level for a soup like this, and it tasted adequately cheesy. It was a little bland without some additional garnishment (I went for more shredded cheese and hot sauce in my bowl), but that is a small quibble. I enjoy strong flavors, so the way I fixed up my bowl might be a bit much for some folks, but the base soup starts as a relatively blank canvas that your guests can doctor up how they see fit!

Potential Improvements? When I make this one again, I will add some additional salt and pepper to the pot for a bit more flavor, with a sprinkle or two of crushed red pepper flakes. I'd also like to try an extra sharp cheddar cheese to make the taste a bit more dynamic (which is something Diane had mentioned, as well).

Polling the Fam: I really liked this one and would make it again. Jayson really liked it but thought it could have been a little creamier. Lisa also really liked it, saying it had good flavor, but she also suggested adding some additional salt to the pot. And, Hunter thought it was "definitely good" and said he had no complaints.

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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