Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Sunday Soup #40: Chicken Potato Chowder

I got a treat this week... Normally, it is me that cooks and one of my best friends, Lisa Stebbins, helps as prep/sous chef. But, this past Sunday, Lisa served as cook numero-uno, and I helped with just a little bit of prep (she had most of it done when I got there!). So, it is my pleasure this week to share this entry with you on her behalf...

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 -

Variations from Recipe as Written: Lisa used 20oz of bacon instead of 12oz (because... bacon), as well as 2.75 cups of pre-shredded rotisserie chicken instead of just 2 cups of diced. Then, instead of starting with olive oil, Lisa cooked the bacon first and then, after removing the bacon for crumbling, sautéed the veggies in the leftover bacon grease (because... BACON!). Finally, we provided garnishes we thought sounded good, like green onions, cheese, sour cream, and hot sauce.

General Thoughts: Wow... I have to admit that I was a little leery about a potato chowder with chicken in it, but I clearly had nothing to worry about! I am going to ruin the ending right up from... THIS WAS REALLY GOOD! And, it is was due, in no small part, to some of the alterations Lisa made to the recipe.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when Lisa made it

As a start, this soup was super easy to prepare (at least, compared to some of the others I've made), with Lisa commenting that it took very little intensive prep (believe it, since she did 95% of it herself), particularly since she used the pre-shredded chicken breast. Some dicing on the potatoes and some veggies (which would be moot if you chose to buy the pre-chopped mirepoix veggie mix from your local produce section), then just a small bit of other light prep and you're golden!

The bacon won the day, for sure... The decisions to use the bacon grease and up the total amount of crumbled bacon were definitely a difference maker (if not super heart-healthy). It was a terrific melding of flavors with a rich, full taste, while still allowing the individual ingredients to shine through. The extra added chicken also felt perfect and lent a better "mouth feel" to each bite, making each spoonful seem full and hearty.

All of the garnishes and additives (more common for a traditional creamy potato soup) worked perfectly well with this selection, and (as with most of the soups we make) a fresh loaf of sourdough bread is a must! Bottom line... If you dig potato soups (and are not a vegetarian), you're going to love this one!

Potential Improvements? I thought it was pretty close to perfect, but Lisa thinks that if she does it again, she would dice the potatoes a little smaller.

Polling the Fam: For me, I think this recipe (with Lisa's alterations) takes over my #2 or #3 favorite spot of all the soups I've made in this project so far. Two thumbs way, way up from me! Lisa thought it was really good with very good flavor. Becky thought it was good, but that if she was making it specifically to her own tastes, she'd leave out the chicken (but this is what makes it different!) and the carrots. (*Next time I'll just make her a baked potato and be done with it. LOL). Jayson liked it very much, commenting that it had great flavor, the perfect ingredients, and that it was filling. Hunter thought it was really good, loved the cheese as a garnish, and found it a "great overall soup."  Andrew thought it was very good (rivaling his other favorite soup of mine, my family Italian Sausage Soup - happy to share this recipe if anyone wants it) and that it had "so many good things going for it," adding that he'd enjoy more or larger carrots in it next time. Finally, Fox (our picky eater) simply said, "I didn't care for it... I didn't like the potatoes."

Verdict: Loved it! (5 stars)

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