Monday, April 3, 2017

Sunday Soup #29: Bayou Crab Chowder

Happy April! I made this soup as a special treat for my friend and workout buddy Jayson, who loves seafood, before we started a fat-loss challenge at our gym last week. Enjoy!

This recipe came from:

*Pic 1 - Picture from

My Variations from Recipe as Written: I used standard polska kielbasa (rather than turkey) and regular Half & Half (rather than fat-free).

General Thoughts: The ingredients for this soup were fairly straightforward and its prep was fairly easy, which is not always the case for creamy or bisque-like soups (particularly crab). Cutting and crisping the bacon and slicing the sausage were the most strenuous steps required, and I was able to do everything while giving more brain power to a movie on TV than I had to devote to my prep work. :-)

Small word of warning, though... Anytime you make a soup with real crab, it can get a little pricey. At my local store, for the crab alone (the recipe called for 1 pound), it cost about $30.00.  If you live in a crab-rich area, such as Baltimore or Annapolis, it might not be quite as daunting; however, it is something to consider if cost is going to be a deterrent for you.

*Pics 2 & 3 - Pictures from when I made it

Overall, this soup was very solid and packed a serious flavor punch.  Combining two proteins, particularly a seafood and non-seafood choice, can sometimes be a little dicey.  But, in this soup, the combination of the crab and kielbasa was terrific, with the sausage in particular helping to lend the "bayou" feel to the recipe.  This soup uses a pound of crab and that was MORE than enough... Every single bite I took had crab in it!

The Cajun seasoning (both in the soup and sprinkled on top as a garnish) actually made the soup rather spicy, so if you are a "mild" eater, you might want to use a bit less. Also, I felt like the amount of thyme (which can taste earthy and sometimes bitter on my palate) could have been reduced by half to make the soup a little sweeter overall.

Polling the Fam: There really was no "fam" on this one, just me and Jayson... I really liked it and would make it again; however, in light of the cost, I might just save it for a special occasion. Jayson thought it was very solid, as well, finding it very hearty and filling. He said it had the right amount of crab taste, but using more Cajun seasoning as a garnish may have overdone it for him (so he skipped it in his second bowl).

Verdict: Liked it. (4 stars)

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